
Título Añoorden ascendente
Admixture of a Geothermal Waste to Alkali Activated Blast Furnace Slag 2002
Effect of transport time on welfare and meat quality in pigs. 2002
Anabaena sp PCC 7119 flavodoxin as electron carrier from photosystem I to ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase. Role of Trp(57) and Tyr(94) 2002
A model system mimicking glycosphingolipid clusters to quantify carbohydrate (LeX-LeX) self-interaction by durface plasmon resonance 2002
Synthesis and testing of 5-benzyl-2,4-diaminopyrimidines as potential inhibitors of leishmanial and trypanosomal dihydrofolate reductase. 2002
Poly{1,4-di-(4-(6-acryloyloxyhexyloxy)benzoyloxy)toluene-co-(S,S)-(-)-1,4-di-(4-(6-acryloyloxy-3-methylhexyloxy) benzoyloxy)benzene} 2002
Cluster of galaxies around seven radio-loud QSOs at 1<z<1.6. II. K-band images 2002
Characterization, genetic variation and chromosomal assignment to sheep chromosome 2 of the Ovine heart fatty acid-binding protein gene (FABP3). 2002
Influence of lairage time on some welfare and meat quality parameters in pigs. 2002
Cuadernos de Medicina Reproductiva 2002
Estado de conservación de algunos líquenes epífitos amenazados en la Comunidad Valenciana (España) 2002
On the Mechanism of the Arene-Catalysed Lithiation: The Role of the Arene Dianions 2002
Can optical spectroscopy directly elucidate the ground state of C20? 2002
Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Zn-Ti Substituted Ba-ferrite Powders 2002
Vibrational Characteristics of New Double Tungstates Li2MII(WO4)2 (M = Co, Ni and Cu) 2002
Beef- and bovine-derived material identification in processed and unprocessed food and feed by PCR amplification. 2002
Domain Fishing: a first step in protein comparative modelling 2002
La comunicación de documentos auténticos en el ámbito de la Unión Europea: el proyecto Aequitas 2002
The differential contribution of granzyme A and granzyme B in cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated apoptosis is determined by the quality of target cell 2002
Species-specific amplification for detection of bovine, ovine and caprine cheese 2002
