
Título Añoorden ascendente
A Tutorial on Density Functional Theory 2003
Atlas de las Aves reproductoras de España 2003
Modelling Hierarchical Consumer Preferences: An Application to Global Food markets 2003
Structural and thermodynamic basis of resistance to HIV-1 protease inhibition: Implications for inhibitor design 2003
Estado de conservación de algunos líquenes epífitos amenazados en la Comunidad Valenciana (España) 2002
Kinetic properties and inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase. 2002
Quantitative PCR detection of pork in raw and heated ground beef and pâté 2002
Species-specific amplification for detection of bovine, ovine and caprine cheese 2002
On the Mechanism of the Arene-Catalysed Lithiation: The Role of the Arene Dianions 2002
Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Zn-Ti Substituted Ba-ferrite Powders 2002
Influence of lairage time on some welfare and meat quality parameters in pigs. 2002
Vibrational Characteristics of New Double Tungstates Li2MII(WO4)2 (M = Co, Ni and Cu) 2002
A model system mimicking glycosphingolipid clusters to quantify carbohydrate (LeX-LeX) self-interaction by durface plasmon resonance 2002
Poly{1,4-di-(4-(6-acryloyloxyhexyloxy)benzoyloxy)toluene-co-(S,S)-(-)-1,4-di-(4-(6-acryloyloxy-3-methylhexyloxy) benzoyloxy)benzene} 2002
Admixture of a Geothermal Waste to Alkali Activated Blast Furnace Slag 2002
Granzymes are essential for natural killer cell-mediated and perf-facilitated tumor control 2002
Preliminary checklist of the bryophytes of Aragón (Spain). 2002
Characteristics of NaOH-Activated Blast Furnace Slag Blended with a Fine Particle Silica Waste 2002
Can optical spectroscopy directly elucidate the ground state of C20? 2002
Magnetic and structural phase diagram of Tb5(SixGe1-x)4 2002
