Diseño de Protocolos de Testeo Acelerados para un Electrolizador Alcalino

Gil Hernández, Vanesa
Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrógeno y Pilas de combustible 2017
Tipo de participación: 
Comunicación oral
Otros autores: 
R.Pérez, E. Albertín, J. Simón
Año : 

The design of alkaline electrolyserstests protocols to evaluate their capacity as grid services providers is discussed. The use of alkaline electrolysers linked to grid services: (1) rise the economical profitability of the hydrogen production process, (2) boost the integration of renewable energies and (3) contribute to the decarbonisation of the current energetic system. The proposed methodology in this work might be implemented to any other service requirements and stack capapibilities, which contributes to its versatility. This work has been studied within the ELYntegration project, focused on the design of a Multimegawatt Alkaline Electrolyser of 4.5T H2/day capable of work under high dynamic operational conditions in the frame of the integration of the renewable energies.