The global historical climate database HCLIM

Kopp J,. Samakinwa E., Hürzeler A., Andersson A., Chimani B., Cornes R., Demarée G., Filipiak J., Gates L., Ives G.L., Jones J.M., Jourdain S., Kiss A:, Nicholson S.E., Przybylak R., Jones P, Rousseau D., Tinz B., Rodrigo F.S., Grab S., Domínguez-Castro F., Slonosky V., Cooper J., Brunet M., Brönnimann S. (2023) The global historical climate database HCLIM. Sci Data 10, 44.

There is a growing need for past weather and climate data to support science and decision-making. This paper describes the compilation and construction of a global multivariable (air temperature, pressure, precipitation sum, number of precipitation days) monthly instrumental climate database that encompasses a substantial body of the known early instrumental time series. The dataset contains series compiled from existing databases that start before 1890 (though continuing to the present) as well as a large amount of newly rescued data. All series underwent a quality control procedure and subdaily series were processed to monthly mean values. An inventory was compiled, and the collection was deduplicated based on coordinates and mutual correlations. The data are provided in a common format accompanied by the inventory. The collection totals 12452 meteorological records in 118 countries. The data can be used for climate reconstructions and analyses. It is the most comprehensive global monthly climate dataset for the preindustrial period so far.

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