Mast cell-secreted gzmB mediates anoikis and affects the integrity of endothelial cell contacts independent of perforin and granzyme A

Pardo Jimeno, Julián
1st workshop on the response of the immune system against dying cells
Tipo de participación: 
Ponencia plenaria e invitada
Otros autores: 
Pardo, J., Wallich, R, Ebnet, K, Iden, S, Martin, P, Ekiciler, A, Müllbacher, A, Huber, M, Simon, MM
Año : 
Publicación (cita): 
Pardo, J., Wallich, R, Ebnet, K, Iden, S, Martin, P, Ekiciler, A, Müllbacher, A, Huber, M, Simon, MM. Mast cell-secreted gzmB mediates anoikis and affects the integrity of endothelial cell contacts independent of perforin and granzyme A. En: 1st workshop on the response of the immune system against dying cells . Paris: , 2006