
Titlesort descending Year
Implantación de la administración electrónica. Colaboración con la administración local por parte de otras administraciones públicas 2016
Implications of carotenoid-based coloration for sexual selection and population dynamics 2014
In vitro stem cell models to study neurodegenerative disease 2019
Indicadores para comparar la efectividad de los sistemas sanitarios en la OCDE 2012
Individual Magnetic Vortices Investigated by nanoSQUID Magnetometry 2017
Inflamación inducida por células T citotoxicas y NK 2013
Inflammation induced by the serine-protease granzyme A in inflammatory/autoimmune disorders and host protection: a selective target to fight the dark side of inflammation? 2015
Inmunoterapia cancer. Anticuerpos frente a puntos de control 2018
Inmunoterapia y cáncer. Conceptos básicos 2016
Innovations and Green Chemistry 2007
Innovative drug discovery and development strategies for antibacterial therapy: a focus on neglected diseases  2018
Insights into the molecular basis of Protein O-glycosylation: lessons learnt from two different family of protein O-glycosyltransferases. 2018
Institutionalizing paradiplomacy and parliamentary diplomacy in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM): The role of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly 2010
Integración, soberanía e independencia: lecciones del proceso de integración UE, su ampliación, con especial referencia al problema de Chipre 2009
Interaccion proteina-ligando 2009
Interacciones biomoleculares 2013
Interacciones macromoleculares 2010
Interacciones macromoleculares 2007
Interacciones moleculares 2011
International Dendrimer Symposium 2013
