
Title Yearsort ascending
The brain and inner ear of derived pterosaurs have similar morphometrics to those of birds 2020
Development of photoactive materials for the removal of persistent organic pollutants (POP’s) from wastewater using solar light 2020
Structural, optical and electrical properties of NiOx thin films obtained by various techniques 2020
Quantitative molecular recognition force maps to localize specific protein receptors 2020
Development Of An Efficient In Vitro High-Throughput Method To Discover New Combinatorial Therapies Against Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria 2020
Application of qualifying testing protocols in alkaline electrolysers 2020
Best practices in cooperation between authorities and geoscientists to serve society and ensure adequate protection of our palaeontological heritage 2020
Conversión de CO2 en gas natural sintético: análisis de eficiencia mediante catalizadores basados en sepiolitas 2020
LACRIMA: From protein biophysics to drug discovery in an academic laboratory 2020
Usos del Laboratorio de Paleogenómica del IUCA 2020
Molecular interaction between the ferric uptake regulator Fur from the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. pcc 7120 and the electron transport proteins ferredoxin and flavodoxin 2020
Doxorubicin nanocarriers based on self-assembled DNA structures 2020
Changes in the electricity sector: Testing different scenarios using supply and use tables for Spain 2020
Triple oral beta-lactam containing therapy for Buruli ulcer treatment shortening 2019
Mathematical model of meropenem against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2019
Nuevos métodos para la búsqueda de combinaciones sinérgicas 2019
Commutator-free Magnus Propagators for Quantum- Classical Molecular Dynamics 2019
Genome-wide association studies for somatic cell count in Assaf breed 2019
Protocolos de testeo acelerados como herramienta en cribado del desarrollo de nuevos materiales para la producción de hidrógeno electrolítico 2019
