
Title Yearsort ascending
Assessment of soil fauna footprints in a rehabilitated coal mine through micromorphology and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analyses 2017
MicroWeaR: a new tool for dental microwear analysis and its application to paleoanthropology and paleontology 2017
Palaeoneurology of a titanosaurian sauropod from the Late Cretaceous of Fox-Amphoux-Métisson (southern France) and its systematic significance 2017
The FAD synthetase from Streptococcus pneumoniae: an enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
Reduced FMN requirement for FMNAT activity in the bifunctional FAD synthetase of human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 2017
Innovation and multi-actor cross-border cooperation in central Pyrenees to improve sustainability of local sheep breeds. 2017
The bifunctional FAD synthetase of the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 2017
The intervening domain from MeCP2 enhances the DNA affinity of the methyl binding domain and provides an independent DNA interaction site 2017
Cumulative Economic Assessment of Future Trade Agreements on EU Agriculture 2017
Lysosomal Storage Disorders as Group Representative 2017
Emergent Causality and the N-photon Scattering Matrix in Waveguide QED 2017
Drones and Targeted Killings: what Role for EU Parliamentary Scrutiny? 2017
Tempo and mode in the evolution of ctenodactyline rodents 2016
Three-Dimensional Co/Pt and Fe/Pt Core-Shell Ferromagnetic Nanowires Grown by Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition 2016
Status of CUORE: a Cryogenic Underground observatory for rare events 2016
Causality and the Cluster Decomposition Principlein ultra-strong photonics 2016
La-Mg-Ni alloys with stacking structure for nickel-metal hydride battery 2016
Immunogenicity of cytotoxic T cell-mediated cell death during cancer immunotherapy: not only killing but preventing cancer recurrence 2016
Structural and functional characterization of phosphomimetic mutants of cytochrome c at threonine 28 and serine 47 2016
Gold nanoparticles for Gas Sarin Identification by using MEMS and SERS technologies 2016
