
Title Yearsort ascending
Biological role of “orphan” granzymes in LCMV-WE infection 2008
Downside Risk Efficiency Under Market Distress 2008
Influence of growth temperature and tryptone concentration on plasmid DNA production 2008
3rd Pan-hellenic Conference on IPE: The International Economy in the 21th Century: Towards Globalization or Regionalization? 2008
Opinión pública europea y la guerra de Irak´ (con George Tzogopoulos) 2008
The Anabaena FNR system: Two binding partners, two binding modes, and one energetics 2008
3rd Annual Conference, Panel on Parliaments and Parliamentarians in Regional Integrations 2008
Heisenberg spin glass in three dimensions. Isotropic and anisotropic models 2008
Tendencias y visiones de las TIC y el comercio electrónico 2008
Preliminary studies on medium and fermentation strategy design for plasmid DNA production 2008
Jornadas Internacionales sobre Migraciones en el Mediterráneo y Unión Europea 2008
Similar and diverse biological activities of mouse granzymes A and B: lessons from ex vivo cytotoxic T cells (Tc) cells 2008
3rd Annual Conference, Panel on The EU as an International Player 2008
Ionic dendrosomes: New nanomaterials 2008
La protección de datos en Aragón: una perspectiva sociológica 2008
Seminario “Os Parlamentos Rexionais e a Gobernanza Multinivel de la Unión Europea 2008
Black Carbon in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests of Costa Rica 2008
Seminario Internacional sobre Europa y el Mediterráneo: política migratoria, seguridad y defensa 2008
Allosteric activation of the Hepatitis C virus NS3 protease 2008
Flavodoxin: A new drug target 2008
