
Title Yearsort ascending
First results of ANAIS-112 on dark matter annual modulation 2019
Radioiodide therapy in ovarian cancer. 2019
Mathematical model of meropenem against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2019
Nuevos métodos para la búsqueda de combinaciones sinérgicas 2019
First Myocricetodontinae (Rodentia) from the Miocene of Lebanon 2019
Practical nanoSQUID sensors 2019
Global distribution of functional groups of soil fauna across biomes 2019
Hydrogen Territories/Valleys: a pilot for Europe 2019
Estudios genéticos sobre los équidos de El Mirador (sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, España) 2019
Search for Annual Modulation with ANAIS-112: two years results 2019
Hedging demand in long-term asset allocation with an application to currency carry trades 2019
Kinetic and thermodynamic regulation of the FMN biosynthesis in Homo sapiens 2019
Participación en mesa redonda. Workshop Water-Energy-Food Nexus 2019
Novel photosensitization of TiO2 films and study of their catalytic activity on phenolic compounds photodegradation under solar light irradiation 2019
A novel methodology to identify synergistic drug combinations against non-tuberculous mycobacteria in cystic fibrosis 2019
Análisis GWAS de caracteres relacionados con la estacionalidad reproductiva en Rasa Aragonesa mediante el chip de media y alta densidad 2019
Nanomechanical analysis of NADP+ with Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase variants 2019
En busca del Caballo de troya ideal para la terapia antitumoral 2019
Use of Placental MSCs and their exosomes as theragnostic agents for cancer treatment and diagnostic 2019
Structural and compositional analysis of bulk CH3 NH3 PbI3 and nanoparticle CsPbBr3 perovskite materials by electron microscopy techniques 2019
