
Title Yearsort ascending
XVII Congreso AECPA 2024
Development under ambient atmosphere of solar cells combining perovskite and quantum dots 2024
Integrating Heterogeneous Households into Input-Output Models: A Study on the Distributional Effects of Carbon Pricing Policies in Spain 2024
Los determinantes de las preferencias de los españoles que apoyan la imposición sobre la riqueza: ¿divergen entre diferentes medidas de política tributaria? 2024
Exploring the hydraulic functioning of Viscum album L. and its relationship with the host tree Pinus sylvestris L. 2024
Democratization and Autocratization 2024
Soil water status modulates the temperature dependence of stem CO2 efflux in Quercus ilex and Quercus faginea trees 2024
Aproximación a la diplomacia parlamentaria: el rol del Parlamento Europeo como tribuna moral 2024
Retaining population with water? Irrigation policies and depopulation in Spain over the long term 2024
Sustainability in the supply chain of battery research: A case study of Co” 2024
Desarrollo de materiales fotoactivos basados en nitruro de carbono grafítico 2024
A demo-economic model extension of the World Trade Model: a tool for scenarios on demographic changes and trade constraints 2024
Documentación, estudio y difusión del arte rupestre a través de los gemelos digitales 2024
Scaling relationships between xylem and phloem in oak petioles 2024
4th WORKSHOP on Security & Stability In The Mediterranean And The Middle East 2024
The protective role of the leaf cuticle against water loss and mechanical damage during leaf development in Quercus ilex 2024
Dispersive readout of molecular spin qubits 2024
Sesión plenaria del #XIWJI: «Claves para planificar y realizar estancias de investigación» 2024
Towards An Ab initio Based Isomer Specific Cresol Sub-Mechanism 2024
Tunning the Monitoring of Actual Daily Evapotranspiration Merging Satellite Data Fusion and Surface Energy Balance 2024
