
Title Yearsort ascending
Early detection of MDRTB by molecular tools in the control of drug resistant tuberculosis in Portugal: a case of success 2009
Epitaxial growth and characterization of cobalt-ferrite thin films 2009
Rethinking the analysis of climate-growth relationships in Dendrochronology: a Hierarchical Bayesian approach 2009
International Siberian Shelf Study 2008 (ISSS-08): biogeochemical core parameters in the water column 2009
Characterization of ovine diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT1), long chain acid elongase (LCE) and sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 (SREBF1) genes. 2009
Progress on the CUORE cryogenic system 2009
España y Mediterraneo 2009
Cell death induced on macrophages by mycobacterium tuberculosis or attenuated strain so2 2009
The Muostakh Island case as an example of destabilization of the Arctic coastal Ice Complex 2009
El valledel Ebro (yesos Monegrinos) y territorios colindantes 2009
Dynamics of the terrestrial particulate material and organic carbon derived from thawed permafrost in the East-Siberian Sea and adjacent part of the Laptev Sea 2009
Magnetic Properties of W-capped Co Nanoparticles 2009
Tree-ring reconstruction of pine processionary moth defoliations in eastern Spain: climate-herbivore interactions 2009
Congreso internacional sobre Derechos Humanos, inmigrantes en situación irregular y Unión Europea 2009
Propuesta de clasificación IUCN para el endemismo chileno Dioscorea biloba (Dioscoreaceae) 2009
Contribution of effflux pump activity for macrolide resistance in M. avium complex 2009
Quantum Optimal Control Theory with Time Dependent Density Functional Theory 2009
Increase of magnetocaloric effect on Tb5Si2Ge2 by replacement of Ge by Fe 2009
The role played by efflux pumps in macrolide resistance in Mycobacterium avium complex 2009
Cross-species primer design with primers4clades: probing chloroplast genes as phylogenetic markers 2009
