
Title Yearsort ascending
FurA from Anabaena PCC7120: A putative sensor of carbon-nitrogen balance via 2-oxoglutarate 2020
Targeting NUPR1 by ZZW-115, alone and in combination with genotoxic agents, is an efficient strategy for PDAC treatment 2020
The Potential of Patterning Molecules and Nanoparticles with Dip‐Pen Nanolithography in Nanotechnology 2020
Desarrollo y caracterización nanoanticuerpos para su uso en el diagnóstico y cirugía guiada por fluorescencia de tumores 2020
Sesión 2 (mesa redonda): Retos socio-económicos de la contaminación y la depuración de aguas residuales en el sector agroalimentario y los municipios de la cuenca del Ebro. 2020
Participación en mesa redonda “2nd Workshop Water-Energy-Food Nexus” 2020
Assessing the impacts of changing consumer behaviour patterns on our planetary boundaries 2020
Nanomedicina para las enfermedades raras 2020
Innovations in antimicrobial food packaging: the role of nanomolecules and encapsulating systems 2020
What does the HCN decomposition gas release tell us about the stability of formamidinium based perovskite? 2020
Expert Campus | Focus on tuberculosis 2020
Key findings in the interaction of the human apoptosis inducing factor with its pro-apoptotic partners for degradosome formation 2020
Border Externalization: Trajectories and future directions for the study of dis/un/re-placed borders. Panel Session A 2020
Portfolio Selection in Quantile Utility Models 2020
Fighting Mycobacterium abscessus infection in Cystic Fibrosis patients 2020
Plataformas dendriméricas para el transporte de fármacos y material genético 2020
Potential perspectives of molecular recognition imaging at the single molecule level for detection. The case of Strept(avidin):biotin system analyzed at nanoscale level 2020
Organ Bioengineering: The Future of Transplantation Medicine 2020
Thermal Liquid Biopsy in a colorectal screening program: Preliminary results 2020
“The map precedes the territory”: Thinking through the moral economies in cartographies of border externalization 2020
