
Title Yearsort ascending
Exploring the impacts of shorter food supply chains on rural jobs in the EU – a model based analysis 2022
Atomic force microscopy as versatile tool to discern the physico-chemical properties of proteins at the nanoscale 2022
OPTIKA – a new high content drug combination dynamic assay / Hollow-fibre models 2022
In vitro killing dynamics of the diarylquinolone TBAJ-587 and its main metabolites against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2022
Las sequías en España durante los últimos 500 años 2022
Advanced catalyst carrier structures based on solid oxides: light in weight but strong in impact 2022
Shortening Buruli ulcer treatment: WHO recommended <i>vs.</i> a novel betalactam containing therapy - Phase II and Phase III studies in West Africa (the BLMs4BU clinical trial) 2022
Desarrollo de nuevos modelos computacionales humanos para determinar la cardiotoxicidad de fármacos en relación con la edad 2022
OPTIKA, A New High Content Drug Combination Kill Kinetic Assay 2022
Mitochondrial phylogeny of the extinct Prolagus sardus (Lagomorpha, Mammalia): reigniting the debate about family Prolagidae 2022
A macroeconomic multi-regional IAM with input-output linkages: physical boundaries, climate change feedbacks and energy poverty 2022
Hollow fiber system for TB: optimization studies with Moxifloxacin 2022
Phenomenology of the dust atmospheric deposition in a high-altitude National Park in southeast of the Iberian Peninsula: Saharan dust fluxes contribution 2022
How does the rise of atmospheric water demand affect flash drought development in Spain? 2022
Tensile testing of cell sheets: an experimental approach 2022
Diplomacia Parlamentaria y Conflictos: el caso del Parlamento Europeo y Venezuela 2022
Experimental validation of a vanadium redox flow battery model via Particle Swarm Optimization 2022
Caracterización del remodelado del colágeno asociado a la edad en el ventrículo izquierdo humano de donantes vivos y sus implicaciones en la generación de arritmias 2022
Optical, morphological and electrical properties of ZnO thin films grown by Sol-Gel method for application in optoelectronic devices 2022
Density-dependent selection on local and immigrant birds drives the evolutionary dynamics of sexual ornaments 2022
