
Titlesort ascending Year
El diseño de sistemas de comunicación telemática para órganos judiciales 2001
El Diploma de Especialización en Derecho de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación 2003
El derecho al libre acceso a la información en el sector público 2015
El derecho al libre acceso a la información del sector público y la web semántica 2011
El correo electrónico en la Diputación General de Aragón 1995
Ehrenfest Dynamics, In & Out of Equilibrium 2019
Efflux activity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis as an intrinsic mechanism of resistance to isoniazid 2011
Efficacy of flavodoxin inhibitors against Helicobacter pylori drug-resistant clinical strains and in Hp-infected mice 2019
Effects of structural disorder on the dynamics of mobile ions in oxide ion conductors A2(Ti1-yZry)2O7 (A = Gd, Dy) 2007
Effects of changing traditional grazing activities and wild boar rooting on alpine earthworm communities in Central Pyrenees 2012
Effects of a mutation in Bone Morphogenetic protein 15 gene (BMP15) on natural ovulation rate ando n the response to superovulatory FSH treatment in Rasa aragonesa Breed. 2008
Effect on the system of alkaline water electroysers following dynamic operation patterns in view of grid balancing services 2019
Effect of the vitamin E supplementation prior to slaughter on plasma metabolites in light lambs. 2014
Effect of La substitution in the ionic conductivity of Gd2Zr2O7 2007
Effect of hetero-resistance on early detection of multidrug resistant tuberculosis by a Line Probe Assay Applied Directly to Smear-Positive Specimens. 2006
Effect of grazing alfalfa on α-tocopherol content and FA composition in Longissimus and Semitendinosus muscles of light lambs 2014
Effect of absorbent pads containing pinosylvin inclusion complexes on Campylobacter spp. control: in vitro and in vivo studies 2015
Efectos negativos de los lípidos de la dieta en la coloración ventral de Lacerta vivipara 2012
Efecto fenotípico del alelo BMP15/FecXR en la prolificidad de la población de Carnes Oviaragón. 2008
