
Title Yearsort ascending
I would like to show you an Embothrium coccineum woody genet 2023
Unraveling the origin behind the stem CO2 efflux in Quercus ilex and Quercus faginea trees 2023
Age-related Changes in Tissue Structure of the Heart Left Ventricle Assessed with Multiphoton Microscopy 2023
La geomática como estrategia multiescala para la investigación y gestión del patrimonio arqueológico: El Forau de la Tuta (Artieda, Zaragoza). 2023
Expanding Eurostat’s FIGARO MRIO database: industry disaggregation, and environmental and labour extensions 2023
Eventos de intrusión de polvo africano sobre zonas de la cuenca occidental mediterránea: evolución temporal e implicaciones con el cambio climático 2023
Cardiomiocitos derivados de células pluripotentes inducidas (hiPSC-CM) con progerina inducible para estudiar envejecimiento cardiaco 2023
Workshop: Europe In An Uncertain World: Openness, Resilience And Vulnerabilities Of Small States And Middle Powers 2023
Is the rhizome hydraulic and nutritionally functional in a Hymenophyllaceae? 2023
Premature defoliation under drought may reduce hydraulic risk but at the expense of nutrient and carbon imbalance in Quercus pyrenaica 2023
Communicating and outreaching palaeosciences through visual arts: lessons from different realms. 2023
Desarrollo de un modelo predictivo de predisposición a la pérdida de densidad mineral ósea mediante técnicas de inteligencia artificial 2022
Towards advanced cardiac miRNA therapies through DNA-based nanostructures 2022
Spin dynamics of Dy2 molecules deposited onto micro-SQUID sensors 2022
Savanna or not savanna, that is the question: a view from the Guadix-Baza Basin (Spain) 2022
Shortening Buruli ulcer treatment: the BLMs4BU clinical trial 2022
Multicentric in-vitro characterization of MPL-204, a new anti- tuberculosis drug candidate, by the ERA4TB collaborative initiative 2022
Bioética en paleogenómica: des-extinciones 2022
Demostración de sistemas híbridos de potencia basados en pilas de combustible en un vehículo marino no tripulado 2022
