
Title Yearsort ascending
Nuevos nanocompuestos basados en materiales carbonosos y nanosemiconductores para aplicaciones de almacenamiento de energía 2021
Contrasting functional strategies following severe drought in two mediterranean oaks with different leaf habit 2021
Chilean wildlife in rehabilitation centers: Are they reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance? 2021
Essays on the electricity sector in Spain and other input-output applications 2021
Strategies to elucidate the mode of action of the avermectins against mycobacteria 2021
Dark matter annual modulation with ANAIS-112:three years results 2021
Geochemical fingerprints and North-African dust sources: results from a multisite network of aerosol deposition in the south-western Europe 2021
Dirección del congreso internacional: IV Conference on research in History of Photography. 1839-1939. A Century of photography, IFC, Zaragoza, 27 a 29 de octubre de 2021 2021
Beta-lactams against Mycobacterium kansasii 2021
The ArsR response regulator: a novel and validated therapeutic target against Helicobacter pylori infection 2021
Colloidal nanosemiconductors for clean energy applications 2021
Prospects of chemical and operational stability for perovskite solar cells. 2021
Geoethics in connection with the palaeontological heritage 2020
Update on the EASL Consortium for Regenerative Hepatology 2020
How to be winner in the game of evolution: A simplified history of the success of ruminants 2020
Border Externalization: Trajectories and future directions for the study of dis/un/re-placed borders. Panel Session C 2020
Key findings in the interaction of the human apoptosis inducing factor with its pro-apoptotic partners for degradosome formation 2020
Doxorubicin nanocarriers based on self-assembled DNA structures 2020
Soil organisms: allies for enhancing sustainable use of soils and climate change adaptation 2020
Electricity self‐production and self‐consumption: An analysis using disaggregated supply and use tables for Spain 2020
