
Title Yearsort ascending
Prospects of chemical and operational stability for perovskite solar cells. 2021
La marta que no era marta: nuevo mustélido (Mammalia, Carnivora) del Mioceno medio de Zaragoza y Soria 2021
Experiencias de la docencia de un seminario interdisciplinar (inter-facultades) en pensamiento económico crítico sobre las implicaciones socio-económicas de la desigualdad 2021
Development of nanobody-based probes as non-invasive tools for molecular imaging theragnosis of GBM 2021
Modelo PIE: Una nueva propuesta para analizar las movilizaciones sociales en la esfera digital basada en el caso #metoo 2021
Optical, structural and morphological properties of NiOx thin films obtained by e-beam 2021
EuroLat and the Venezuelan crisis 2021
Study of water uptake mechanisms in plants living in gypsum 2021
Historical agricultural droughts from the INternational Pro pluvia ROgation database 2021
Envejecimiento cardiaco humano: transcriptómica y desarrollo de modelos celulares de envejecimiento 2021
New carnivore material from the Early Pleistocene of La Puebla de Valverde (Spain): a multivariate taxonomical approach based on the dentition updates de systematics of the genus Lynx 2021
Looking for Holocene Pyrenean archives of Saharan dust deposition: The Arxuri peatbog and the Marboré lake 2021
Nanostructured low-cost sorbents for H2S removal 2021
New antimicrobial biodegradable films for ready-to-eat foods 2021
Exploratory scenarios of global food loss and waste reduction, and diets towards a sustainable food system 2021
An Economic-Industrial Walk Through European Bioeconomy Landscapes 2021
Energy-balance models for non-intrusive monitoring of tree water use of overaged oak coppices in response to different management strategies 2021
Ponencia: "Proyecto Aragón Photo", I Jornada Internacional Anna Atkins de Fotografía, organizada por Fotodoc (UCM) y Archivo Jalón Ángel (USJ), en Caja Rural de Aragón, Zaragoza, 16 de diciembre de 2021. 2021
Dark matter annual modulation with ANAIS-112:three years results 2021
Nanobody-guided immuno-PET for the diagnosis of glioblastoma 2021
