
Title Yearsort ascending
Structural, optical and electrical properties of NiOx thin films obtained by various techniques 2020
Customised DNA-based Nanomaterials for Bioimaging and Biomimetics 2020
Quantitative molecular recognition force maps to localize specific protein receptors 2020
Organ Bioengineering: The Future of Transplantation Medicine 2020
Repurposing avermectins for the treatment of infections by non-tuberculous mycobacteria 2020
Geoethics in connection with the palaeontological heritage 2020
Update on the EASL Consortium for Regenerative Hepatology 2020
How to be winner in the game of evolution: A simplified history of the success of ruminants 2020
Border Externalization: Trajectories and future directions for the study of dis/un/re-placed borders. Panel Session C 2020
Key findings in the interaction of the human apoptosis inducing factor with its pro-apoptotic partners for degradosome formation 2020
Doxorubicin nanocarriers based on self-assembled DNA structures 2020
Soil organisms: allies for enhancing sustainable use of soils and climate change adaptation 2020
Electricity self‐production and self‐consumption: An analysis using disaggregated supply and use tables for Spain 2020
Expert Campus | Focus on tuberculosis 2020
Application of qualifying testing protocols in alkaline electrolysers 2020
Desarrollo y caracterización nanoanticuerpos para su uso en el diagnóstico y cirugía guiada por fluorescencia de tumores 2020
Protocolo de entrada al Laboratorio de Paleogenómica del IUCA 2020
Conversión de CO2 en gas natural sintético: análisis de eficiencia mediante catalizadores basados en sepiolitas 2020
Expert campus | Focus on tuberculosis 2020
Thermal Liquid Biopsy in a colorectal screening program: Preliminary results 2020
