
Title Yearsort ascending
Exploring carbon nitride properties for electrode in aqueous supercapacitors 2023
Sturctural and functional impact of co-culturing iPSC-CM and HCAEC within microfluidic devices exposed to mechanical and electrical stimuli 2023
Nanomechanical study of enzyme: coenzyme complexes: bipartite sites in ferredoxin-nadp+ reductase for the interaction with NADP+ 2023
DNA nanostructures customized for therapeutic delivery 2023
Plenary conference: Advancements In Energy Materials Research At Instituto De Nanociencia Y Materiales De Aragón 2023
Ponencia invitada: "Cinco daguerrotipos aragoneses y un presunto fraude", V Conference on research in history of photography, IFC (CSIC), Zaragoza, 26 de octubre de 2023 2023
Expanding Eurostat’s FIGARO MRIO database: industry disaggregation, and environmental and labour extensions 2023
Lamin-mediated chromatin condensation in dilated cardiomyopathy 2023
Understanding the Effect of the Metallic Center in Metal-Organic Frameworks in Lithium- Ion Batteries 2023
Redox active nanocrystals and electrolyte for a high energy aqueous supercapacitor 2023
Role of Age-related CX43 Remodeling in Human Ventricular Arrhythmic Risk: A Combined Experimental and In Silico Investigation 2023
Coating DNA-based nanostructures through novel bio-conjugation approaches 2023
I would like to show you an Embothrium coccineum woody genet 2023
Substrato de gres porcelánico para integración arquitectónica de celdas fotovoltaicas de perovskita 2023
Potencial de la gestión forestal para la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático 2023
Growth to survive: potential hydraulic implications of low growth in oaks 2023
La Geomática como estrategia para la investigación arqueológica 2023
A progerin-inducible human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell line to study cardiac cell aging 2023
Tailored Synthesis of Nanostructured mixed metal oxides 2023
