
Title Yearsort ascending
Identification of compounds that inhibit NUPR1 protein, a key therapeutic target in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) 2015
DNA origami nanopores for single molecule detection 2015
Nanomechanical analysis of the Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase complex with NADP+ 2015
Separation, determination and composition profile of lipids in biodiesel using hyphenation of gradient-HPTLC with fluorescence detection by intensity changes and mass spectrometry 2015
Role of inflammation induced by the serine-protease granzyme A in development of colorectal carcinoma in vivo 2015
Nanoscale constrictions in superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators: attempts to perform circuit QED with small spin ensembles 2015
El derecho al libre acceso a la información en el sector público 2015
Relaxation Mechanisms in Highly Mismatched Antimonide and Arsenide Heterostructured Nanowires 2015
Sancho R, Cantalapiedra CP, López-Álvarez D, Catalán P, Contreras-Moreira B. (2015) Chloroplast genome assembly, annotation and phylogenomics of 56 Brachypodium distachyon complex accessions 2015
Molecular imaging of the mesenchymal stem cells migratory properties towards different pathologies. 2015
Enfermedad hemorrágica del conejo (rhd). Impacto de la nueva variante RHDVb y efecto de la disminucion de la edad media de infeccion en poblaciones de conejo silvestre en semilibertad. 2015
Structural basis for the turnover and sliding mechanisms of cytochrome c molecules within respiratory supercomplexes 2015
Nonlinear quantum optics in the (ultra)strong light–matter coupling 2015
Responsibility to Protect and the Arab Spring: what future for parliamentary diplomacy? 2015
RIC Mitin anual 2015
Allostery and cooperative interactions in proteins 2015
Dynamic interplay between catalytic and lectin domains of GalNAc-transferases modulates protein O-glycosylation. 2015
Study of the antiferromagnetic order in strained SrMnO3 multiferroic thin films 2015
Environmental suitability influences the evolvability of morphological traits: linking biogeography and evolutionary dynamics. 2015
Rendimiento del MOET aplicado al programa de selección de la rasa aragonesa de UPRA-grupo Pastores. 2015
