
Title Yearsort ascending
Phosphorylation of cytochrome c at positions 28 and 47 could affect its double role in the cell 2015
Dynamic interplay between catalytic and lectin domains of GalNAc-transferases modulates protein O-glycosylation 2015
Multi-scale competitive spatial interactions of soil invertebrate assemblages 2015
Artificially sinthesized chemical and magnetic structure at the domain walls of the epitaxial oxide TbMnO3 2015
Quantum optimal control theory for the combined electron-ion dynamics described with the Ehrenfest equations 2015
Development of compounds with promising selective effects toward Helicobacter pylori flavodoxin 2015
Role of inflammation induced by the serine-protease granzyme A in development of colorectal carcinoma 2015
Free energy characterization of mechanical dissociation of biological complexes from force spectroscopy experiments 2015
Magnetic changes of epitaxially strained manganite thin films studied by cryo-electron holography 2015
Simultaneous tracking of Bone Marrow-MSCs migration towards different pathologies. Promise for cancer cell therapies. 2015
Influence of strain on the thermoelectric properties of electron-doped SrTiO3 thin films 2015
The binding of guanine nucleotides to the Bateman domain mediates the allosteric inhibition of eukaryotic IMP dehydrogenases 2015
politica exterior griega 2015
The ANAIS Dark Matter Project: Status and Prospects 2015
Characterizing Mechanical Dissociation of Biological Complexes: from Forces to Free Energies 2015
Structural and functional characterization of MeCP2, a protein target associated with Rett syndrome 2015
DNA origami nanopores for single molecule detection and beyond 2015
Role of inflammation and cell death induced by granzymes A and B during inflammatory colorectal carcinoma 2015
Ciclo de conferencias Los primeros fotógrafos viajeros por el Alto Aragón: "Fotógrafos y viajeros en torno al balneario de Panticosa, últimas investigaciones" 2015
A new artificial 2D chemical and magnetic structure synthesized at the domain walls of epitaxial films of multiferroic TbMnO3 2015
