
Title Yearsort ascending
Direct dumbbell analyses for polarity assignment in semiconductor nanostructures by means of aberration-corrected STEM techniques 2013
Nuevo SNP de la calpastatina (CAST) asociado con la terneza de la carne de bovino. 2013
Productivity improvement in sheep associating polygenic selection and diffusion of the FecXR allele. 2013
Interactions Cu(I)-CCS (the copper chaperone for the copper/zinc superoxide dismutase) of soybean 2013
DNA origami nanopores for biosensing applications 2013
Off-equilibrium Spin Glasses in a Field 2013
The role of International Parliamentary Institutions in the building of democratic and responsible multi-level and multi-actor global governance: examples from the EU´s external dimension, the Euro-Mediterranean region and birregional EU-Latin American st 2013
Interacciones biomoleculares 2013
STEM tools for atomic polarity assignment in semiconductor nanostructures 2013
Antimalarial activity of cupredoxins: The interaction of Plasmodium merozoite surface protein 1-19 (MSP1-19) and rusticyanin 2013
The course of bismethylGliotoxin detection in serum from patients with probable aspergillosis and the effect of voriconazole treatment 2013
Domain wall depinning in notched Co50Fe50 nanowires by in-situ Lorentz microscopy 2013
Cantalapiedra,C.P. [...] Vogel,J., Catalan,P. and Contreras-Moreira,B. (2013) Chloroplast genome assemblies help reconstruct Brachypodium history 2013
Molecular imaging of the mesenchymal stem cells migratory properties towards different pathologies. 2013
Analysis of the Impact of Croatia's accession to the EU on the agri-food sectors. A general equilibrium approach 2013
Aplicaciones de la Microscopia de Fuerzas Atómicas en Biología 2013
Estudios de asociación para la composición de acidos grasos en la leche de la raza ovina Assaf y genes relacionados con la desaturacion (SCD, FADS1, FADS2) y elongacion (ELOVL5, ELOVL6) de ácidos grasos de cadena larga. 2013
Identification of p8 ligands using high-throughput screening 2013
The contribution of parliamentary diplomacy to Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in the Mediterranean: The European Parliament and Libya 2013
N dynamics, stabilization and 14C age of refractory organic C in alpine soils of Parque Nacional Ordesa y Monte Perdido (Central Pyrenees) 2013
