
Title Yearsort ascending
Rock Art in the Eastern Region of Sharjah (UAE): Archaeological Records and Preliminary Geospatial Analysis 2022
Optical, morphological and electrical properties of NiOx thin films grown by Sol-Gel method for application in optoelectronic devices 2022
Caracterización del remodelado del colágeno asociado a la edad en el ventrículo izquierdo humano de donantes vivos y sus implicaciones en la generación de arritmias 2022
An approach to the mechanisms of use of gypsum crystallization water by plants 2022
Parasites during early life mediate the strength of phenotypic selection on sexual traits. 2022
How does the rise of atmospheric water demand affect flash drought development in Spain? 2022
The veterinary anthelmintic selamectin inhibits the mycobacterial DprE1 enzyme 2022
Savanna or not savanna, that is the question: a view from the Guadix-Baza Basin (Spain) 2022
Ponencia invitada: "Viajeros y fotógrafos por el territorio de Aragón durante el siglo XIX", congreso Con otros ojos. El arte aragonés visto por los viajeros, 11 de noviembre de 2022, Institución Fernando el Católico (CSIC), Zaragoza 2022
Repurposing Beta-lactams for Buruli Ulcer Therapy, from the Bench to the Clinic 2022
Experimental and numerical characterization of the active behaviour of mouse rotator cuff muscles 2022
Terapias cardiacas avanzadas con microRNAs basadas en nanoestructuras de DNA 2022
Conjugación de nanoanticuerpos con fluoróforos IRDye como sondas moleculares para cirugía guiada por fluorescencia 2022
The Acederal Cave: a new Quaternary locality with fossil lynxes in Aragón (Northeastern Spain) 2022
Advanced catalyst carrier structures based on solid oxides: light in weight but strong in impact 2022
Synthesis, characterization, and application in rechargeable batteries of CuxS-rGO aerogels 2022
Exploring the impacts of shorter food supply chains on rural jobs in the EU – a model based analysis 2022
When metal nanochemistry meets food packaging: development of active materials based on polyoxymetalates 2022
Desarrollo de nuevos modelos computacionales humanos para determinar la cardiotoxicidad de fármacos en relación con la edad 2022
Modelos de inteligencia artificial aplicados a enfermedades poco frecuentes 2022
