
Title Yearsort ascending
Interface optimization of epitaxial MgO//Fe3O4/Pt heteroestructures 2010
Characterization of particulate material dynamics and composition in the benthic layer of the East Siberian Sea and adjacent part of the Laptev Sea: Fine vertical structure 2010
Panel Data Tests for Poverty Traps 2010
Ácido (2R,3aS,7aS)-octahidroindol-2-carboxílico como catalizador en la adición de Michael organocatalítica de cetonas a nitroolefinas 2010
Influence of the substrate and deposition temperature on the magnetotransport properties of Fe/MgO discontinuous multilayers 2010
New Insights in the Intramolecular Rauhut-Currier-Type Reaction via Dienamine Activation 2010
Cation ordering and twinning of Sr2CrReO6 double perovskite films analysed by aberration corrected STEM imaging 2010
First Principles Modeling with Octopus: Massive Parallelization Towards Petaflop Computing and More 2010
Molecular and isotopic investigation of eroding relief of the East Siberian Arctic Coastal-Ice Complex 2010
Multiple roles for Rex-1 in preimplantation development and pluripotency in mouse ES cells 2010
Quantum Optimal Control Theory with Time Dependent Density Functional Theory 2010
Extensive survey of terrestrial organic carbon in surface sediments of the East Siberian Sea 2010
New Applications of Asymmetric Dienamine Catalysis 2010
´La dimensión paradiplomática y parlamentaria en la Unión por el Mediterráneo´ 2010
New Insights in the Intramolecular Rauhut-Currier-Type Reaction via Dienamine Activation 2010
Structural and functional characterization of ovine interferon gamma gene: Its role in nematode resistance in Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed 2010
Crossed Intramolecular Rauhut-Currier-Type Reactions via Dienamine Activation 2010
Synthesis and characterization of magnesium oxide-coated magnetic nanoparticles 2010
Consumers’ acceptability towards new food products incorporating saffron 2010
Aberration Corrected TEM at the INA: new capabilities and first results 2010
