
Title Yearsort ascending
´Is there a model of inter-regionalism in EU parliamentary relations: lessons from the EMPA and the EUROLAT´ & ´Regional parliaments in the Euro-Mediterranean region: does it amount to integration?´ 2010
Exploring Dienamine Catalysis: alfa and gamma-Functionalization 2010
A Quantitative Canada-EU Trade Assessment 2010
Ab Initio Control of the Evolution of Many Electron Systems based on Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory 2010
Protein Immobilization Methods for Biological Atomic Force Microscopy: from monolayers to resolved molecules. Awarded as the best communication of the Conference 2010
101DNA: a set of tools for Protein-DNA interface analysis 2010
Characterization of the terrigenous organic matter distribution in the bottom sediments of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf 2010
Soil data (C, N, P, and pH) in Monte Perdido massif (CPY, Spain) and their relation with abiotic and biotic factors (a GLORIA optional activity) 2010
Pressure effect on phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Er5Si4 single crystal 2010
Estudio Organocatalítico Enantioselectivo de la Reacción de Henry 2010
Taking advantage of unspecific interactions to orient antibodies 2010
The adenylylation site of Corynebacterium ammoniagenes FAD synthetase 2010
Characterization of the putative residues involved in the synthesis of FMN and FAD in FAD synthetase from C. ammoniagenes 2010
Mitochondrial DNA depletion sensitizes L929 cells to death receptor-mediated cell death 2010
Nanospheres with trapping properties derived from amphiphilic LC ionic dendrimers functionalized with fatty acids 2010
Estado de los servicios electrónicos en las Comunidades Autónomas. Resultados del Observatorio de Administración Electrónica 2009 2010
Exploring the structural and energetic determinants of ligand binding to transthyretin: Searching for guidelines for the rational design of therapeutic drugs against TTR amyloidosis 2010
Ferromagnet-superconductor nanocontacts grown by focused electron/ion beam techniques for current-in-plane Andreev reflection measurements 2010
Bacteriostatic versus bactericidal activity of ciprofloxacin in gram negative bacteria assessed by flow cytometry using a novel far-red dye 2010
Energetics of nucleotide-induced DnaK conformational states 2010
