
Title Yearsort ascending
Magnetic Properties of W-capped Co Nanoparticles 2009
Caspase-dependent inhibition of mousepox (ectromelia) replication by gzmB 2009
Sedimentation in the Lena river delta and adjacent part of the Laptev Sea 2009
Measuring the Impacts of the CAP in Spain: A CGE Model Approach 2009
N,N-Dialkylhydrazones as stable class of imine surrogates in an environmentally-friendly Strecker reaction 2009
Spanish foreign policy and the Spanish Presidency 2009
Features of recent sedimentation in the Western Part of the Buor-Haya Gulf (Laptev Sea) 2009
Morphogenetic characterization and germplasm cryopreservation of Churra tensina, an endanreged local ovine breed 2009
La gobernanza multi-nivel de la UE entre teoría y práctica: ¿cómo vincular sus varios niveles de micro-regiones con macro-regiones? 2009
On Volatility Forecasting: What Improves Daily VaR? 2009
Epitaxial growth and characterization of cobalt-ferrite thin films 2009
XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal (SEFV) XI Congreso Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal 2009
Insights into the cell wall remodelling by a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gas2 crystal structure 2009
Early detection of MDRTB by molecular tools in the control of drug resistant tuberculosis in Portugal: a case of success 2009
¿Es necesario reducir la dosis del ECG en corderas prolíficas portadoras del alelo FecXr (ROA)?. Efecto de dos dosis diferentes sobre la fertilidad y prolificidad. 2009
Structural, magnetic and magnetotransport characterization of Fe/MgO granular multilayers 2009
Propuesta de clasificación IUCN para el endemismo chileno Dioscorea biloba (Dioscoreaceae) 2009
Quantum Optimal Control Theory with Time Dependent Density Functional Theory 2009
Inventory and burial fluxes of Black Carbon in the Swedish continental shelf sediments 2009
Magnetic Properties of W-capped Co Nanoparticles 2009
