
Title Yearsort ascending
Ponencia invitada: "Cinco daguerrotipos aragoneses y un presunto fraude", V Conference on research in history of photography, IFC (CSIC), Zaragoza, 26 de octubre de 2023 2023
Dispersive readout of molecular spin qubits 2023
Electrical, optical and morphological properties of NiOx thin films grown by Sol-Gel method for application in optoelectronic devices 2023
A progerin-inducible human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell line to study cardiac cell aging 2023
La Geomática como estrategia para la investigación arqueológica 2023
New paired FLUXNET sites to evaluate the potential of adaptive forest management to enhance carbon sequestration, water use efficiency, and resilience of Mediterranean oak forests 2023
A cointegration test robust to general forms of dependence in the innovation sequences 2023
Disaggregating electricity in a supply-use framework extended with capital and investment matrices: The Spanish case 2023
I would like to show you an Embothrium coccineum woody genet 2023
Growth to survive: potential hydraulic implications of low growth in oaks 2023
Development of new human models to determine age-related cardiotoxicity of drugs 2022
Development of novel nanobodies and scFv based molecules to interfere the metastatic process 2022
Development of tailored DNA nanostructures for anticancer drug delivery 2022
A dynamic network regression model for a large cross section of units with an application to measuring spillovers between pollution and electricity consumption 2022
Régimen con betalactámicos para reducir el tratamiento de la úlcera de Buruli: tratamiento estándar de 8 semanas (rifampicina más claritromicina) versus 4 semanas de tratamiento estándar más amoxicilina/clavulanato [RC8 vs. RCA4] (ensayo clínico BLMs4BU) 2022
Turtles, crocodiles, and squamates from the Early Miocene locality of les Cases de la Valenciana (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Iberian Peninsula) 2022
Shortening Buruli ulcer treatment: the BLMs4BU clinical trial 2022
Tracing human impacts from a multi-proxy perspective in the Central Pyrenees: the Tramacastilla lacustrine sequence 2022
Application of cog threads for vaginal wall prolapse repair: ex-vivo study 2022
Shortening Buruli Ulcer treatment: the BLMS4BU clinical trial 2022
