
Titlesort ascending Year
Exploratory scenarios of global food loss and waste reduction, and diets towards a sustainable food system 2021
Expert Campus | Focus on tuberculosis 2020
Expert campus | Focus on tuberculosis 2020
Experimental validation of in silico target predictions on synergistic protein targets 2012
Experimental validation of a vanadium redox flow battery model via Particle Swarm Optimization 2022
Experimental transmission of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV2/b) by blood-sucking dipterans as mechanic vectors. 2017
Experimental molecular screening for identifying pharmacochaperones and inhibitors against intrinsically disordered proteins 2018
Experimental and numerical characterization of the active behaviour of mouse rotator cuff muscles 2022
Experimental and modeling study of the high-temperature combustion chemistry of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol 2020
Experiencias de la docencia de un seminario interdisciplinar (inter-facultades) en pensamiento económico crítico sobre las implicaciones socio-económicas de la desigualdad 2021
Experience on RTN 1992
Expansión de la población de culicoides imicola en España y análisis filogenético de la misma, basado en el análisis del gen de la citocromo oxidasa subunidad I (COI). 2007
Expanding the scope of biocatalytic chiral amine synthesis 2021
Expanding Eurostat’s FIGARO MRIO database: industry disaggregation, and environmental and labour extensions 2023
Expanding One-pot Cell-free Protein Synthesis and immobilization for On-Demand Manufacturing of Biomaterials 2018
Exosomes from placental MSCs as vehicles for the Na/I symporter (hNIS): A new anitumoral therapy 2016
Exosomas y virus. 2018
Exosomas tumorales cargados con nanoláminas de paladio para catálisis biortogonal dirigida 2019
Exchange Rates, Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Risk Aversion 2011
Examining Sustainable Development Goal Planetary Trade-offs Through the Quantification of BioEconomy Public Policy Interventions 2019
