
Title Yearsort ascending
Phase Competitions behind the Giant Magnetic Entropy Variation: Gd5Si2Ge2 and Tb5Si2Ge2 Case Studies 2014
Serine protease inhibition attenuates estrogen-mediated rIL12-induced GZMA activity and proinflammatory biomolecules by modulating Th2 profile 2014
Psammodromus edwardsianus (Dugès, 1829) 2014
A new MT-ND1 pathologic mutation for Leber hereditary optic neuropathy 2014
Integration and bioactivity of hydroxyapatite grown on carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide 2014
Experimentally elevated levels of testosterone at independence reduce fitness in a territorial bird 2014
Study of scintillation in natural and synthetic quartz and methacrylate 2014
Six-Coordinate High Spin Iron(II) Complexes with Bidentate PN Ligands based on 2-Aminopyridine – New Fe(II) Spin Crossover Systems 2014
Analysis of the diversity of substrate utilisation of soil bacteria exposed to Cd and earthworm engineering activity using generalised additive models 2014
Strategies to improve the solubility and stability of stilbene antioxidants: A comparative study between cyclodextrins and bile acids 2014
Elastic strains at interfaces in InAs/AlSb multilayer structures for quantum cascade lasers 2014
Preliminary results of ANAIS-25 2014
Robust Identification of Orthologues and Paralogues for Microbial Pan-Genomics Using GET_HOMOLOGUES: A Case Study of pIncA/C Plasmids 2014
Investigation of the Phase Occurrence, H Sorption Properties and Electrochemical Behavior in the Composition Ranges La0.75-0.80Mg0.30-0.38 Ni3.67 2014
Preserved regulation of renal perfusion pressure by small and intermediate conductance KCa channels in hypertensive mice with or without renal failure. 2014
LDL receptor/lipoprotein recognition: Endosomal weakening of apoB and apoE binding to the convex face of the LR5 repeat 2014
Anomalous Nernst effect of Fe3O4 single crystal 2014
Thermomagnetic behaviour and compositional irreversibility on (Fe/Si)3 multilayer films 2014
Synchronization in a semiclassical Kuramoto model 2014
Structural patterns of the Bioeconomy in the EU member States – a SAM approach 2014
