
Title Yearsort ascending
MITOMASTER: a bioinformatics tool for the analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences. 2009
Freemartinism and FecXR allele determination in replacement ewes of the Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed by duplex-PCR 2009
Measuring Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Along the Line of Sight with Photometric Redshifts: The PAU Survey 2009
Magnetic and crystal structure of Ho5(SixGe1-x)4 studied by neutron diffraction 2009
Geochemical characterization of marine sediments in the Gulf of Cádiz, and environmental implications. Distribution and molecular composition of lipids and refractary forms of organic matter 2009
Plastic responses of Abies pinsapo xylogenesis to drought and competition 2009
Demonstration of the activity of P-glycoprotein by a semi-automated fluorometric method. 2009
The Role of the Indole in Important Organocatalytic Enantioselective Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Reactions 2009
Microarray analysis in sperm from fertile and infertile men without basic sperm analysis abnormalities reveals a significantly different transcriptome. 2009
NARP syndrome in a patient harbouring an insertion in the MT-ATP6 gene that results in a truncated protein. 2009
Dynamics of Mobile Oxygen Ions in Disordered Pyrochlore-type Oxide-ion Conductors 2009
GALFIT result for GEMS galaxies (Haussler+, 2007) 2009
The European Parliament and the Debate over Sarkozy’s Mediterranean Initiative: A Preliminary Assessment 2009
Genome-Wide Identification of Transcription Start Sites, Promoters and Transcription Factor Binding Sites in E. coli 2009
Ionic Conductivity of Apatite-type Rare-earth Silicates Prepared by Mechanical Milling 2009
Ecological correlates of bluetongue virus in Spain: predicted spatial occurrence and its relationship with observed abundance of potential vector Culicoides species 2009
Introduction 2009
GEMINI 3D spectroscopy of BAL+IR+Fe II QSOs: II. IRAS 04505-2958 an explosive QSO with hypershell and a new scenario for galaxy formation and galaxy end 2009
La sociedad de la información en las Comunidades Autónomas: Aragón 2009
Caracterización, conservación y mejora de razas aragonesas en peligro de extinción. 2009
