
Title Yearsort ascending
Sinergias en morfología y genética de Microtus s.l. del Cuaternario de la Península Ibérica 2021
Dating historical droughts from religious ceremonies: the international pro pluvia rogation database 2021
Gene therapy with AR isoform 2 rescues spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy phenotype by modulating AR transcriptional activity 2021
Design and Operational Performance Maps of Calcium Looping Thermochemical Energy Storage for Concentrating Solar Power Plants 2021
In-situ reduction by Joule heating and measurement of electrical conductivity of graphene oxide in a transmission electron microscope 2021
Linking geological heritage and geoethics with a particular emphasis on palaeontological heritage: the new concept of ‘palaeontoethics’ 2021
Biocatalytic Synthesis of Chiral Amines Using Oxidoreductases 2021
Atomic Force Microscopy: Single Molecule Imaging and Force Spectroscopy in the Study of Flavoproteins Ligand Binding and Reaction Mechanisms 2021
Infectivity of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus excreted in rabbit faecal pellets 2021
Mapping Ancient Battlefields in a multi-scalar approach combining Drone Imagery and Geophysical Surveys: The Roman siege of the oppidum of Cabezo de Alcalá (Azaila, Spain) 2021
Evaluation of Synergies of a Biomass Power Plant and a Biogas Station with a Carbon Capture System 2021
New Insights on the Interaction of Phenanthroline Based Ligands and Metal Complexes and Polyoxometalates with Duplex DNA and G-quadruplexes 2021
Comment on “Global distribution of earthworm diversity” 2021
BioSAMs 2015 2021
Cross‐species transmission of retroviruses among domestic and wild felids in human‐occupied landscapes in Chile. 2021
The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic 2021
Theoretical and empirical characterization of water as a factor: examples and related issues with the World Trade Model 2021
The role of fiscal measures in promoting renewable electricity in Spain 2021
Use of Deep Learning for structural analysis of CT-images of soil samples 2021
A model for predicting court decisions on child custody 2021
