
Title Yearsort ascending
Documentación y conservación del arte rupestre: artes prehistóricos y perspectivas presentes 2024
Ancient genomes reveal over two thousand years of dingo population structure 2024
Climate change as a veiled driver of migration in Bangladesh and Ghana 2024
Simple surface treatment improves performance of carbon materials for sodium ion battery anodes 2024
Repartidores a domicilio naufragando entre dos aguas: leyes laborales y leyes migratorias 2024
Multifractality in spin glasses 2024
Synthesis and dynamics of PtSi nanoparticles on a carbon nanofilm by in-situ TEM Joule heating 2024
Genomic and phenotypic analysis of invasive Streptococcus suis isolated in Spain reveals genetic diversification and associated virulence traits. 2024
Measuring and testing systemic risk from the cross section of stock returns 2024
Rethinking mobility in social theory: Yann Moulier-Boutang and the motor of history 2024
CD155/PVR determines Acute Myeloid Leukemia targeting by Delta One T cells 2024
"Viajeros y fotógrafos por el territorio de Aragón en tiempos de Isabel II, 1833-1868 (I)" 2024
Biobased Acrylic Latexes/Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose Aqueous Binders for Lithium-ion NMC811 Cathodes 2024
Exploring hybrid hard carbon/Bi2S3-based negative electrodes for Na-ion batteries 2024
Una nueva ciudad romana en El Forau de la Tuta, Artieda, Zaragoza: estudio epigráfico y búsqueda toponímica 2024
Synthesis and immunological evaluation of TLR1/2 ligand-conjugated RBDs as self-adjuvanting vaccine candidates against SARS-CoV-2 2024
A Remote Sensing Approach for Assessing Daily Cumulative Evapotranspiration Integral in Wheat Genotype Screening for Drought Adaptation 2024
Escena de thíasos marino en el Prepirineo aragonés: el hallazgo del opus tessellatum blanquinegro del Forau de la Tuta (Artieda, Zaragoza) 2024
Changes in soil microbiota alter root exudation and rhizosphere pH of the gypsum endemic Ononis tridentata L. 2024
Nanostructured CeO2 as support of Ni-catalysts for plasma-catalytic CO2 methanation: Tailoring support’s nanomorphology towards improved performance 2024
