
Title Yearsort ascending
Atomic structural studies on thin single-crystalline misfit-layered nanotubes of TbS-CrS2 2015
Changes in the protein profile of Beta vulgaris leaf apoplastic fluid with Fe deficiency and Fe resupply 2015
The Impact of the International Economic and Financial Crisis on the De-Europeanization of National Foreign Policies in the Mediterranean 2015
Ovine HSP90AA1 gene promoter: functional study and epigenetic modifications 2015
A matter of time: delayed mate encounter postpones mating window initiation and reduces the strength of female choosiness 2015
Dynamic interplay between catalytic and lectin domains of GalNAc-transferases modulates protein O-glycosylation. 2015
The End of A Romance? A Note on the Quantitative impacts of Brexit 2015
High-capacity Li[Ni0.8Co0.06Mn0.14]O2 positive electrode with a dual concentration gradient for next-generation lithium-ion batteries 2015
Structural and functional evidences for membrane docking and disruption sites on phospholipases A2-like revealed by complexation with suramin inhibitor 2015
Local TEM Spectroscopic Studies on Carbon-and Boron Nitride-Based Nanomaterials 2015
A unified framework based on the binding polynomial for characterizing biological systems by isothermal titration calorimetry 2015
Shell cross-linked polymeric micelles as camptothecin nanocarriers for anti-HCV therapy 2015
Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution 2015
Strain-induced spatially indirect exciton recombination in zinc-blende/wurtzite CdS heterostructures 2015
Stationary discrete solitons in circuit QED 2015
Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy: Applications to Nanomaterials 2015
Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay of 130Te with CUORE-0 2015
Pangenomic analysis of the Rhizobiales using the GET_HOMOLOGUES software package. 2015
Tungstate-Targeting of BKαβ1 Channels Tunes ERK Phosphorylation and Cell Proliferation in Human Vascular Smooth Muscle. 2015
Drivers of the European Bioeconomy in Transition (BioEconomy2030): An Exploratory Model Based Assessment 2015
