
Title Yearsort ascending
Impact of Particles on the Planck HFI Detectors : ground-based measurements and physical interpretation 2014
Simple hydrothermal synthesis method for tailoring the physicochemical properties of ZnO: morphology, surface area and polarity 2014
Choline kinase active site provides features for designing versatile inhibitors. 2014
OXPHOS, pyrimidine nucleotides and Alzheimer disease: A pharmacogenomics approach. 2014
Dynamic HAADF-STEM observation of a single-atom chain as the transient state of gold ultrathin nanowire breakdown 2014
Frequency-dependent sexual selection with respect to offspring fitness returns is consistent with predictions from rock-paper-scissors dynamics in the European common lizard. 2014
Whole-organ bioengineering: current tales of modern alchemy 2014
Observation of the Strain Induced Magnetic Phase Segregation in Manganite Thin Films 2014
Two death pathways induced by sorafenib in myeloma cells: Puma-mediated apoptosis and necroptosis 2014
Dimerization of VirD2 binding protein is essential for Agrobacterium induced tumor formation in plants 2014
Prospectively isolated NGN3-expressing progenitors from human embryonic stem cells give rise to pancreatic endocrine cells 2014
Serine protease inhibition attenuates estrogen-mediated rIL12-induced GZMA activity and proinflammatory biomolecules by modulating Th2 profile 2014
Modulation of KCa3.1 Channels by Eicosanoids, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Molecular Determinants. 2014
La digitalización de documentos en la Administración de Justicia 2014
Exciton Footprint of Self-assembled AlGaAs Quantum Dots in Core-Shell Nanowires 2014
Synchronization in a semiclassical Kuramoto model 2014
Isolated noncatalytic and catalytic subunits of F1-ATPase exhibit similar, albeit not identical, energetic strategies for recognizing adenosine nucleotides 2014
Experimentally elevated levels of testosterone at independence reduce fitness in a territorial bird 2014
Investigating the loss of recruitment potential in red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus): the relative importance of hen mortality, food supply, tick infestation 2014
In situ formation of carbon nanotubes encapsulated within boron nitride nanotubes via electron irradiation 2014
