
Título Añoorden ascendente
Base-Catalyzed Anti-Markovnikov Hydroamination of Vinylarenes – Scope, Limitations and Computational Studies 2007
Short and Medium Range Order in Hydrogenated Diamond-Like Carbon Films 2007
Molecules and clusters in strong laser fields 2007
[Deletions of the mitochondrial DNA associated to chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia with ragged-red fibers in 2 Brazilian patients] 2006
Mechanochemical Synthesis and Ionic Conductivity in the Gd2(Sn1-yZry)2O7 (0 < y < 1) Solid Solution 2006
A jet-cloud interaction in the 3C 196 environment 2006
A weak lensing estimate from GEMS of the virial to stellar mass ratio in massive galaxies to z ~ 0.8 2006
Effect of an intrauterine device on the gene expression profile of the endometrium. 2006
Observation of a Griffiths-like phase in magnetocaloric compound Tb5Si2Ge2 2006
Dry Mergers in GEMS: The Dynamical Evolution of Massive Early-Type Galaxies 2006
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in the North Moroccan population: anticipating associations with clinical disorders. 2006
Cementitious Composites of Pulverized Fly Ash and Blast Furnace Slag Activated by Sodium Silicate: Effect of Na2O Concentration and Modulus 2006
Adaptive selection of mitochondrial complex I subunits during primate radiation. 2006
Highly Enantioselective Phase-Transfer-Catalyzed aza-Henry Reaction 2006
Enantioselective Aza-Henry Reaction Using Cinchona Organocatalysts 2006
The giant Lyα nebula associated with a z=2.5 radio galaxy 2006
An Explanation for the Observed Weak Size Evolution of Disk Galaxies 2006
Mitochondrial lineages distribution in the Spanish population: anticipating association studies 2006
GRB 060605, observations using an integral field unit. 2006
Techniques for reducing fiber-fed and integral-field spectroscopy data: An implementation on R3D 2006
