
Título Añoorden ascendente
Magnetic and crystal structures of Er5(SixGe1-x)4 2006
Effects of pressure on the magnetic and crystallographic structure of Er5Si4 2006
Gemini GMOS IFU Study of BAL QSOs: Decoupling the BAL QSO, Starburst, NLR and Supergiant Bubbles 2006
Geochemical characterization of sedimentary organic matter. Black carbon isolation discussion 2006
Isolation ,mapping and identification of SNPs for four genes (ACP6, CGN, ANXA9, SLC27A3) from a Bovine QTL Region on BTA3 2006
Evaluation of the conservation status of threatened lichens list from coastal areas of the Valencian Community (Eastern Spain). 2006
Le web public communal dans trois régions du Sud-Ouest européen 2006
A broadened scope for the use of hydrazones as neutral nucleophiles using H-bond organocatalysts 2006
Ελύτης-Λόρκα: μια ποιητική συνομιλία (Elytis-Lorca: un encuentro poético) 2006
Seeing the Sky through Hubble's Eye: The COSMOS SkyWalker 2006
Federico García Lorca-Οδυσσέας Ελύτης: Εκλεκτικές συγγένειες (F.G. Lorca-O. Elytis: afinidades selectivas) 2006
Extended Lyman-α emission around bright quasars 2006
Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. I. Detection, Multiband Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, and Morphology 2006
The evolution of QSO host colours 2006
VIMOS-VLT and Spitzer observations of a radio galaxy at z= 2.5* 2006
Clinical and functional characterization of a human ORNT1 mutation (T32R) in the hyperornithinemia-hyperammonemia-homocitrullinuria (HHH) syndrome. 2006
Glyconanoparticles: Types, synthesis and applications in glycoscience, biomedicine and material science 2006
Fe impurities weaken the ferromagnetic behavior in Au nanoparticles 2006
Recurrence of the Blue Wing Enhancements in the High-Ionization Lines of SDSS 1004+4112A 2006
Genetic diversity between the colour varieties of the Manchega Spanish sheep breed. 2006
