
Título Añoorden ascendente
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in the North Moroccan population: anticipating associations with clinical disorders. 2006
Cementitious Composites of Pulverized Fly Ash and Blast Furnace Slag Activated by Sodium Silicate: Effect of Na2O Concentration and Modulus 2006
Observation of a Griffiths-like phase in magnetocaloric compound Tb5Si2Ge2 2006
Dry Mergers in GEMS: The Dynamical Evolution of Massive Early-Type Galaxies 2006
Adaptive selection of mitochondrial complex I subunits during primate radiation. 2006
Highly Enantioselective Phase-Transfer-Catalyzed aza-Henry Reaction 2006
Raman spectroscopy of Single-Walled BN-NTs 2006
octopus: a tool for the application of time-dependent density functional theory 2006
Spatial dissociation between two endogeic earthworms in the Colombian “Llanos”. 2006
Study of the phase transition in the 3d Ising spin glass from out of equilibrium numerical simulations 2006
Momentum-resolved EELS measurements of hexagonal boron nitride 2006
The values of soil animals for conservation biology 2006
Measurement of physical properties of refrigerant mixtures. Determination of phase diagrams 2006
Prelaying conditions mediate the effect between egg mass and nestling immunity in Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). 2006
Assembly of an Allenylidene Ligand, a Terminal Alkyne, and an Acetonitrile Molecule: Formation of Osmacyclopentapyrrole Derivatives 2006
Stability of the spatio-temporal distribution and niche overlap in Neotropical earthworm assemblages 2006
Nutrient spatial variability in biogenic structures of Nasutitermes (Termitinae; Isoptera) in a gallery forest of the Colombian “Llanos” 2006
Analytical model for the sensitivity of a toroidal fluxgate sensor 2006
Optical absorption spectra of V4+ Isomers: One example of first-principles theoretical spectroscopy with time-dependent density-functional theory 2006
Exact analysis of heterotropic interactions in proteins: Characterization of cooperative ligand binding by isothermal titration calorimetry 2006
