
Title Yearsort ascending
Utilización del CO2 en sistemas Power-to-Gas para la generación renovable de gas natural sintético. 2019
Physicochemical and sensory evaluation in apple diversity from mountainous areas in Spain 2019
Optimal control theory for quantum electrodynamics: an initial state problem 2019
Multi-shaped individual nanoparticles investigated by nanoSQUID magnetometry at variable temperature 2019
Effect on the system of alkaline water electroysers following dynamic operation patterns in view of grid balancing services 2019
Dire wolves were the last of ancient New World canid lineage 2019
Bioartificial livers, cell therapies and tissue engineering – The future of regenerative hepatology? 2019
A high-throughput system to reliably characterize normal human ventricular electrophysiology from living patients. 2019
Structural analysis of bioeconomy sectors in the European Union 2019
Endocranial anatomy of the allodaposuchid Agaresuchus fontisensis (Crocodyliformes, Eusuchia) from the Late Cretaceous of Spain 2019
Towards the elucidation of the rifampicin/beta-lactam synergy in mycobacteria 2019
Differential density-dependent selection on resident and immigrant birds drives the evolutionary dynamics of secondary sexual traits 2019
Granger-causality detection using Feedforward Neural Networks 2019
Identification of inhibitors of Bacteroides fragilis toxin 2019
An archaeogenetic approach to sheep herding during the neolithisation of the Iberian Peninsula 2019
Spin dynamics of Dy2 molecules deposited onto micro-SQUID sensors 2019
En busca del Caballo de troya ideal para la terapia antitumoral 2019
Historia natural de los mamíferos fósiles y su registro en Aragón: Nuevos datos en el entorno de Teruel 2019
En busca del caballo de Troya ideal para la terapia antitumoral 2019
Differential gene expression in pars tuberalis and hypothalamus tissue from Rasa Aragonesa sheep with different oestrous and anoestrous phases using RNA-Seq 2019
