
Title Yearsort ascending
Commutator-free Magnus Propagators for Quantum- Classical Molecular Dynamics 2019
Linking biogeography and evolution: environmental variation and evolutionary dynamics of phenotypes in wild bird populations 2019
Calcium looping como uso directo del CO2 para el almacenamiento de energía solar. 2019
Organ Bioengineering: The Future of Transplantation Medicine 2019
Magnon-light strong interaction: vortices and skyrmions in a waveguide 2019
Elyntegration final project results 2019
Is there a chance for a new Bioartificial Liver? 2019
Analysis of future agricultural policies: What impact has the parameterisation of agricultural support? 2019
Mapping of pigment remnants in fossil material 2019
Ancient Sus DNA at the Neolithic site of Cova de Els Trocs, Spain 2019
Triple oral beta-lactam containing therapy for Buruli ulcer treatment shortening 2019
Evolvability of phenotypic plasticity under environmental variation in a population of pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca 2019
Role of MeCP2 intrinsically disordered regions in stability and DNA binding 2019
Beta-lactams for Tuberculosis Treatment 2019
Computational Analysis Model Applied to Spanish Gaucher Registry Data 2019
Disentangling Early Antler Diversity: Is There a Causal Link with Extrinsic (Climate-Related) Factors? 2019
European parliamentary networks in the scrutiny of security policy-making 2019
Association studies for the age at first lambing in Rasa Aragonesa ewes 2019
Thermochemical properties of  hetero‐atom substituted  cycloalkanes 2019
ELYntegration project (H2020 FCH2 JU) 2019
