Direct monitorization of the oligomerization properties of proteins by in situ Atomic force microscopy: the case of the ferric uptake regulator FurA analyzed under different redox conditions in a physiological environment

Gracia Lostao, Ana Isabel
International Meeting on AFM in Life Sciences and Medicine (AFM BioMed Conference 2010)
Participation type: 
Ponencia plenaria e invitada
Other authors: 
A. Lostao, M. L. Peleato, A. González, C. Gómez-Moreno and M.F. Fillat
Red Island (Croacia)
A. Lostao, M. L. Peleato, A. González, C. Gómez-Moreno and M.F. Fillat. Direct monitorization of the oligomerization properties of proteins by in situ Atomic force microscopy: the case of the ferric uptake regulator FurA analyzed under different redox conditions in a physiological environment. En: International Meeting on AFM in Life Sciences and Medicine (AFM BioMed Conference 2010). Red Island (Croacia): , 2010