El Renacer de un Nuevo Campo: La Organocatálisis Asimétrica. Tioureas como Organocatalizadores

Eugenia Marqués-López, Raquel P. Herrera. El Renacer de un Nuevo Campo: La Organocatálisis Asimétrica. Tioureas como Organocatalizadores. An. Quím. 2009, Vol. 01/01/09, p. 5-2009.

<p>Catalytic enantioselective reactions have had a significant impact on the development of synthetic organic chemistry during the last 30 years. Among them, methods based exclusively on metal-free organic catalysts (organocatalysis) have achieved a great importance and they are becoming powerful tools in the construction of complex molecular skeletons. Therefore, the last few years have witnessed a spectacular advance in new organocatalytic methods, some of them are described in this review</p>